Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Video Is Worth A Million Bajillion Words

I'll let the innumeracy thing rest after this but you have got to see these two clips. They are much clearer than anything I wrote below.


How Many Millions are in a Trillion? from Econ4U on Vimeo.


Brynne said...

Wow, that penny demo sure puts it in perspective!

Jake said...

I liked the guy who gave the short lecture on the base 10 system. Classic stuff.

Sherri said...

Great videos! Cole is going to watch these. A little econ lesson for my 6th grader.

Unknown said...

This was such a fun post. I am so glad I was not in the area when they were quizzing about the millions and trillions. I received an Idaho education and we are used to dealing in tens and twenties and not much sense...I mean cents. I hope you had a great birthday.