Ten Things that Bug Me:
(In a particular order)
(1) Sniffing Dogs: why do pet owners let their dogs romp up to complete strangers and sniff their crotch. Please, someone, tell me why this is acceptable in our culture. It's gross and rude and invasive. Some of you are thinking, "but all dogs sniff, it's what they do." Not so! My neighbor's dog never sniffs and he checks me out daily. Good dog, Jeffrey.
(2) Bluetooth Phones: unless you're securing the premises for Obama's pending arrival or being talked through an emergency tracheotomy, I'm betting the conversation can wait. People walking around shouting one side of a conversation (and always a boring one, at that) into a crowd of people is just inappropriate social behavior. So annoying!
(3) The Five Day Workweek: if we eliminate Facebook and Youtube from office computers, don't you think we could get the national work week down to four days.
(4) Brushing the Kids Teeth: too much pressure to do it just as the dentist advises. It makes me anxious every night.
(5) Logan Radio: I don't do Country so I'm stuck with a Raffi cd or silence. I ch
(6) Facebook: it's out of control at my house. And none of my old boyfriends will chat with me.
(7) Eli Picking His Nose: someone tell me how to make it stop.
(8) Mornings: since when does elementary school have to start so dang early? We're trying to stay up until 3 AM over here.
(9) Not-My-Problem Parents: moms who honestly expect public school to teach, mold, and inspire their children. Those over-worked and underpaid teachers are responsible for the 3 R's, folks, and that's it. The rest is on you.
(10) Britney Spears New Album: haven't heard it yet. Hate it!
On this happy note, I tag Keith, Brittney, Jandee, Dustin and the other Big J. Have at it!